Airborne Motorworks began almost 17 years ago with the vision of an avid inventor, Jesse Marcel. His research and development were driven by his passion for achieving his childhood dream of being able to fly, not like a pilot, but more like the Jetsons. He wanted to develop a safe, stable airborne machine that anyone could operate to take off to the skies or use to commute to work. He wanted to design a machine that was as easy to drive as a car or as simple to ride as a bike.
And the EGP Motor was born…
Our world is overcrowded with vehicles and planes that constantly pollute our environment and emit green house gases. If COVID-19 taught us anything, it was that our environment can heal itself if we minimize our pollution. Airborne Motorworks’ patented propulsion technology, Electromagnetic-Gyroscopic Propulsion (EGP) is a new design for sustainable flight that has brought the technology to eliminate CO2 emissions and stop air and noise pollution. Designed for sustainability, function, safety, stability, affordability and style while achieving the once unrealized dream of electric flight, is our motivation and drive to make Airborne Motorworks’ EGP Motor the new normal in every plane, eVTOL, drone, UAV and helicopter across the globe.
Airborne Motorworks’ forward-thinking designs and patents will truly revolutionize the power of flight, but the EGP Motor has applications in Industrial Motors like HVAC Systems and even Wind Turbines. We will continue our research and development to make our company the leader in Innovating Propulsion Motors for Sustainability with our first application in aviation.